wh2_final_jeopardy_review.ppt | |
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Week of June 3
Final exam review
MAke sure you have your guide and linked above is a Jeopardy. There is also a final exam Quizlet.
Week of May 14
Friday- Continue overview of Fascists and interwar years. Work on HItler propaganda activity( linked under Unit 7)
Be sure to read your summary packet and answer questions.
Next Wed: QUIZ on Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and issues in the interwar years.
Semester 2
Week of May 7
Mon- Finish Japanese Imperialism
Tuesday-Fri- causes of WWI, major battles,
Review guide for quiz, finish map up in class.
NExt Week: QUIZ on WWI Wed
MOnday- Battles of WWI activity
Tuesday wrap up, rise of fascists
Wed - Quiz
Week of April 22:
MOnday- Finish overview of Italy and move on to Russia
Be sure to read/ record the chapter- I can check that all the way up to Friday.
Tuesday: Class activity on Nationalism- veiw your assigned video
Wed: We will move on to Imperialism but your quiz on Nationalism is Fr.
FR:QUIZ on Germany and Italy unification,
Week of April 8
Monday- Wrap up industrialism in packet and complete map activity.
Tuesday- Nationalism overview and student activity. Please note due dates in packet. You must keep track of when HW and activities are due. Packet is linked under Nationalism Unit on Weebly.
Week of April 1
Monday- finish overview of social views during IR
TUES- Wed- create your perfect society
Fr- QUIZ on CH 19 sec 3-4. Please know all terms and concepts from sections. We also overviewed all of these ideas in class.
Reminder that Grades close on Wed March 27 and your quiz grade will go on Q 3, but your essay will go on Q 4, (time is needed to score those)
week of March 25
Mon 25: Finish overview in class Industrial Revolution
Wed 27 QUIZ on Ch 19 sec 1 & 2( mostly section 2)
WEd: Impact and spread of IR( Ch 19 sec 3-4 and into CH 21 summary)
FR: You should have all the student work in your notes handout completed and your class notes in the packet up to date
MArch 4- Snow day! Test is tomorrow
MArch 5- Unit 4 test( Ch 16.3, Ch 17 and Ch 18. review all materials, quizlet etc.
MArch 6- Work on essay materials and create a thesis.
MArch 8- Planner due by today.
March 11- We will start to type today and finish/ edit by Tuesday.
Week of Feb 25
MOnday- Napoleon discussion- hero or villain
TUesday- Wrap up all that is Ch 18
Wed: QUiz on Ch 18 sec 1-3( NOT Napoleon)
Fr: review for TEST, study gudie online and there is a Quizlet and a review Jeopardy
Monday- TEST on Unit 4- All of French Rev, Napoleon and Enlightenment ideas( 50 questions which includes a map, as usual)
Week of Feb 20:
Wed: Finish French rev video and overview
FR: Wrap up French rev and move into Ch 18 sec 4, which is due today
Tuesday Feb 26- QUIZ on French Rev Ch 18 sec 1-3
Wed: Napoleon "Hero or Villain" recorded discussion with partner due.
Week of Feb 4-18
MOnday- Finish overview of Enlightenment, make sure you are working on packets.
Wed: QUIZ on Enlightenment thinkers, such as Hobbes, Locke etc 15 MC and one reading passage.
FR: QUick overview on American Rev( inspired by the Enlightenment) and then the FRENCH Revolution.
Due next Tuesday Feb. 12- CH 18 in text, make sure you do your notes.
We are starting Unit 4 today
Week of Jan 28
Monday- Check over the 16.3 notes and other materials. Continue and finish overview of English Monarchs
Tuesday_ Enlightenment intro and assignment packet due
FR: QUIZ on CH 16.3 English Absolutism
Finish up Enlightenment Documents from the other day.
TH Jan 24-
In class today we start overview of English MOnarchy
Read CH 16.3 and take your notes. Reminder to identify and define all terms, then contextualize.
How is the English story different than the other kingdom's we have already studied?
We will look over your mid-terms and also continue with our overview.
Week of Dec 17 Absolutism
Monday & Tuesday- We will continue our overview Ch 16 sec 4 is due today. It touches upon Austria and Prussia. Thirty Years War.
Wed: Wrap up Section 4 and move onto Russian Czars( ch 16.5)
Week of Dec 3 Starting new Unit this week! Ch 16 Absolutism
MOnday- TEST on Unit 2 Exploration
Essay editing activity- you will get a chance to peer edit your exploration essays. If you choose to revise your essay you must resubmit by Friday or I will count your first copy.
Wed_ Overview of Spain and start out maps.
HW: Ch 16.1 due Friday
Friday- CH 16 sec 1 reading and notes due today.
We will finish our maps in class and finish overview of Spanish Monarchy.
Please read Ch 16.2 and I will check that on Tuesday
Looking ahead: QUIZ on Spain(16.1) and France (16.2) will be next Wed.
Week of Nov 26
Monday- We will finish our planners today and start typing essays. You can finish typing and editing tomorrow in class. It is due by the end.
Tuesday- TYpe and edit essays. Please submit through Google or through 365
Wed: Start review for Unit 2 test Guide is online under unit 2)
FR: Finish review for test
TEST is MONDAY Dec 3!!!
Week of Nov 12
Mon- Holiday
Tues/ Wed- Finish Aztec video, and overview of colonization
Fri- QUIZ on material from Ch 15 material, including class overview, text readings and video.
Week of Nov 5
MOnday- Overview of exploration/ settlement of the new world.
Tuesday- Election Day!!
Wed- Ch 15 sec 1 & 2 are due today, and we will complete an activity on different group perspectives from the New World. This will become Hw if your group needs more time.
Friday- Engineering and Empire The Aztecs( This is my favorite one. Better than than Gutenberg printing press. Sorry Dan.)
Week of 10/29
We are in Unit 2 Exploration and Settlement
MOnday- Reasons for exploration and key explorers. If you do not finish your gravestone(s) then it is hw.
At this point you should have read Ch 14 sec 1-2 and completed a world map.
Tuesday- Wed- Finish overview of exploration
QUIZ on Ch 14 sec 1 on Friday. ( 10 MC/ Matching and one map)
HW due next Wed: CH 15 sec 1 & 2
UNIT 1 TEST is Monday 10/22- MC questions and short answer, Unit 1 review guide, review game and practice questions linked to Unit 1 webpage.
Tuesday- Short answer section for Unit 1 test .Complete 1 short answer choice. There are 4 to choose from,
After please start ma and reading for Ch 14 sec 1 & 2 and map
Will check both BY Friday at latest.
Week of Oct 15- UNIT 1 TEST is Monday 10/22- MC questions and short answer, Unit 1 review guide, review game and practice questions linked to Unit 1 webpage.
Monday- Scientific Revolution overview
Tuesday- Wrao up Sci Rev figures
Wed; Wrap up/Start review
FR- Finish review
Monday 10 /22 Unit 1 test ( Covers Ren. Ref and Sci Rev. CH 13)
Week of Oct 1
Monday- Continue overview of Reformation: Be sure your maps are done and we have finished Luther's 95 Theses.
Tuesday- Reformation continues- Erasmus reading, and start a group jigsaw
Wed- In groups to finish jigsaw.
Friday- Ch 13 sec 5 reading notes are due( Same as always: terms, then contextualize, and then checkpoints.
Looking ahead: Next week we will have quiz on Reformation Friday Oct 12. Ch 13 sec 3 & 4 and any materials activities from class. We will be moving on to Scientific Rev. on Tuesday but that will not be on this quiz.
Week of Sept 24
We are moving from Renaissance to Reformation this week.
Monday- QUIZ on CH 13 sec 1 & 2
HW due WED: Read Ch 13 sec 3 & 4, take reading notes( Contextualize vocab and terms, and answer checkpoints)
Friday - in class we wil finish our Reformation map activity and Luther Indulgences reading.
Looking ahead to next week: read CH 13 sec 5( Scientific Revolution). Will be due at end of week.
Week of Sept 17- reminder to use this week to review for quiz!!
Monday- Video: Engineering the Ren.
We will answer questions as we go. Sheet is also linked to Unit 1
Tuesday- Overview of the spread of Ren.
We will be competing a reading on Erasmus. If not finished please finish for HW.
FR- Go over key Ren. figures and review for quiz.
Monday 9/24: QUIZ on ch 13 sec 1 & 2 and any materials from class.
Monday- Be sure airdrop your conversation about the Middle Ages.
Finish Renaissance maps, start overview of Ren.
HW due: Ch 13 sec 1 due Tuesday
Ch 13 sec 2 due TH
Week of Sept 3
Monday- Holiday
Tues/ Wed: Discuss the viewpoints reading that was done for HW
Complete Middle Ages Map in packet by next class. Make sure to create a key, label, and answer all questions.
Fr: Quick Middle Ages assessment. Be sure to understand key concepts and vocab from our overview. Be ready to convey key aspects of the Middle Ages.
We will also work on our next map: Renaissance
If you do not finish in class it becomes HW due for Mon. The map is also linked under Unit 1.
Looking ahead: Please read Ch 13 sec 1 & 2 by Tuesday, and take reading notes. You will get in structions on how to take the notes.
Wed- Welcome back and intros.
HW: Go to my main web page, click on the student information sheet and fill out/submit.
TH: Middle Ages overview, Get books today
FR 31; Middle Ages Overview, please fill out notes sheet as we go.
HW due TU (next class): In your packet, please read and mark the article Viewpoints: Two views of life in the Middle Ages.. Please read questions 1-3 at bottom an underline the answer in the readings. You don't have to do question 4. We will discuss it.
Week of June 4
We are over viewing the Interwar years. Please read your summary packet and refer to power point and video.
QUIZ on June 7 on this material.
Week of May 21 We are starting a new unit- WWI Interwar years and WWII
Monday- Ch 26 sec 1 notes are due today. You will receive a summary packet for the rest of Ch 26 today.
Tues/ Wed- Make sure to complete map and follow along with power point packet.
I will check the maps/ summaries this Friday.
Quiz, which is Wed May 30 for C period
June 1 for E period
Note that our Unit 6 test is May 17( it covers CH 22 and 24) I listed due dates for both weeks below.
Week of May 14
Unit 6 test is this TH May 17 for both classes.Covers Nationalism and Imperialism, primarily Ch 22 and 24, plus a little on Japan and Russia. ( use the slides)
Your only hw is to finish the materials and review nightly for this assessment. You have a power point overview, textbook reading and summary packet, and Unit 6 review guide. There is also a Quizlet for Unit 6 and a Jeopardy review if you would like to use it.
Week of April 30- through MAY 4:
Monday- Start Unit 6 overview in class. CH 21.4 is due today.
Tues/ Wed: CH 22 sec 1 & 2 are both due for class 2 for C period.
CH 22 due for E period on Class 3 TH
Friday 5/4- Ch 22 sec 3 & 4 are due( QUIZ on Nationalism on Monday)
Week of 5/7- May 14
Monday 5/7: QUIZ on Nationalism (CH 22 and all class items) Get Unit 6 study guide
Tu/Wed: Ch 24 Summaries are due.
Monday May 14: Unit 6 test: Imperialism and Nationalism ( Ch 22 & 24)
Week of April 23
Monday- Ch 19 sec 4 overview
Please read 19.4- due next class ( C period Wed, E period is Tuesday)
Tues/ Wed: Ch 19.4 is due
Th: Wrap up overview and look at some art of the period.
Fri- QUIZ on CH 19.4
Looking ahead: Due Monday 21.4 and then moving on to next unit.
Week of April 9-
Industrial Rev overview
Friday: QUIZ on CH 19 sec 1 & 2, causes of rev and why Britain.. Please review class overview activities, your text reading, and anything else from this week.
Week of April 2:
Monday- finish essay and submit via Office 365. If you need extra time please see teacher to arrange.
Tues/ Wed: Introduction to new Unit, and final draft essay as needed. Other students may move ahead and complete map.
TH: Map is due today
FR: Ch 19 sec 1 & 2 due today.
Week of MARCH 19TH through 30
Mon 3/21- Please finish up document analysis for Essay 3
TH- Brainstorming and filling out planner
FR- Finish brainstorming and fill out planners.
I created a new separate page for this essay. Please click on Work History II and then click on Absolute Monarch Essay. It is listed after Unit 4. I linked the planner, the power point from class and the documents there.
Monday 3/29- typing essay in class rough draft, final draft and edits due by March 29 at end of class Share on 365.
Note: in the event of weather on Tuesday, E period test will be TH.
Week of March 12:
Monday- use this day as a work/ review day for guide or play Jeopardy for Unit 4 test
Tuesday: Unit 4 test for Period E (Reminder this covers 16.3, ch 17 and 18
Wed: Unit 4 test for Period C
Week of March 5- Unit 4 study guide for over 2 weeks. Please continue to review. Your test is this TH. You may use the guide but you will need to review as well.
Monday- wrap up Napoleon recorded argument
Tuesday/ Wed- test review
Thursday- UNIT 4 TEST, includes English Monarchy ch 16.3, Enlightenment, Ch 17, and Ch 18 French Revolution.
week of 2/26:
Our Unit 4 test is next week. You have the review guide already. It is also linked under Unit 4 web page.
Monday - wrap up Rev.
Tuesday- We will have a quiz on Ch 18 sec 1-3( French Rev, but not Napoleon) E period- Tuesday 2/27 Wed- C period 2/28 Quiz
TH/ FR- Napoleon completed
Your test will be Tuesday March 6, E period and Wed. March 7 C period
Week of Feb 19
Wed- finish French revolution Movie
TH/ FR- Wrap up Revolution overview and start Napoleon. You will be researching whether Napoleon should be honored in terms of history today. Pairs will then record a 5 minute discussion/ argument and air drop to another group.
Looking ahead to next week:
CHANGES: your Unit 4 test has been delayed and will not occur next week. You have the review guide already. It is also linked under Unit 4 web page.
We will have a quiz on Ch 18 sec 1-3( French Rev, but not Napoleon) D period- Tuesday 2/27 C period 2/28- Wednesday
Your test will be Tuesday March 6, D period and Wed. March 7 C period
Week of Feb 12
Remindwer that Ch 18 all sections due Friday. This was assigned last week, so budget your time.
Monday- Overview of French revolution First phase
Tues/ Wed- Overview 2nd phase of Rev, and Declaration of Rights analysis p 584 in text.
FR: CH 18 reading notes due today.
-In class: View History Channel video: The French revolution BE sure to answer all questions. Video and question linked under Unit 4
Looking ahead: Next week: Napoleon!!
Also, start filling out your study guide for Unit 4 test. which will be soon.
Week of Feb 5( Updated due to snow day)
Monday/TU- Wrap up Enlightenment overview/ activity
Wed: Snow day!
QUIZ on Thinkers and spread of Enlightenment moved to TH for C. Please review class overview materials and CH 17 sec 1 & 2, then we will overview the American Rev.
TH: Quiz on Enlightenment for E period only, then we will overview the American Rev.
Friday: Overview: How the Enlightenment influenced the American Rev.
Looking ahead: CH 18- all sections due and checked by next Friday.
Week of Jan 29
Monday: Overview of 16.3 English Monarchs
Tuesday: Start overview of Enlightenment, and we will being a jigsaw on the thinkers, Be sure to do the hw due TH.
TH; CH 17 sec 1 & 2 notes are due
Looking ahead: QUIZ on CH 17 sec 1 & 2 on Monday Feb 4
See below for Mid term essay question choices. The planner is linked just below here:
Reminders for essay:
Be sure to set one goal that you aim to achieve on this essay. It has to be a specific improvement from essay 1
Remember if you are using specific evidence to cite your sources. I will have textbooks in the room if you need to cite the text. If you use any outside sources they woudl need to be cited, fo course.
Final exam review
MAke sure you have your guide and linked above is a Jeopardy. There is also a final exam Quizlet.
Week of May 14
Friday- Continue overview of Fascists and interwar years. Work on HItler propaganda activity( linked under Unit 7)
Be sure to read your summary packet and answer questions.
Next Wed: QUIZ on Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and issues in the interwar years.
Semester 2
Week of May 7
Mon- Finish Japanese Imperialism
Tuesday-Fri- causes of WWI, major battles,
Review guide for quiz, finish map up in class.
NExt Week: QUIZ on WWI Wed
MOnday- Battles of WWI activity
Tuesday wrap up, rise of fascists
Wed - Quiz
Week of April 22:
MOnday- Finish overview of Italy and move on to Russia
Be sure to read/ record the chapter- I can check that all the way up to Friday.
Tuesday: Class activity on Nationalism- veiw your assigned video
Wed: We will move on to Imperialism but your quiz on Nationalism is Fr.
FR:QUIZ on Germany and Italy unification,
Week of April 8
Monday- Wrap up industrialism in packet and complete map activity.
Tuesday- Nationalism overview and student activity. Please note due dates in packet. You must keep track of when HW and activities are due. Packet is linked under Nationalism Unit on Weebly.
Week of April 1
Monday- finish overview of social views during IR
TUES- Wed- create your perfect society
Fr- QUIZ on CH 19 sec 3-4. Please know all terms and concepts from sections. We also overviewed all of these ideas in class.
Reminder that Grades close on Wed March 27 and your quiz grade will go on Q 3, but your essay will go on Q 4, (time is needed to score those)
week of March 25
Mon 25: Finish overview in class Industrial Revolution
Wed 27 QUIZ on Ch 19 sec 1 & 2( mostly section 2)
WEd: Impact and spread of IR( Ch 19 sec 3-4 and into CH 21 summary)
FR: You should have all the student work in your notes handout completed and your class notes in the packet up to date
MArch 4- Snow day! Test is tomorrow
MArch 5- Unit 4 test( Ch 16.3, Ch 17 and Ch 18. review all materials, quizlet etc.
MArch 6- Work on essay materials and create a thesis.
MArch 8- Planner due by today.
March 11- We will start to type today and finish/ edit by Tuesday.
Week of Feb 25
MOnday- Napoleon discussion- hero or villain
TUesday- Wrap up all that is Ch 18
Wed: QUiz on Ch 18 sec 1-3( NOT Napoleon)
Fr: review for TEST, study gudie online and there is a Quizlet and a review Jeopardy
Monday- TEST on Unit 4- All of French Rev, Napoleon and Enlightenment ideas( 50 questions which includes a map, as usual)
Week of Feb 20:
Wed: Finish French rev video and overview
FR: Wrap up French rev and move into Ch 18 sec 4, which is due today
Tuesday Feb 26- QUIZ on French Rev Ch 18 sec 1-3
Wed: Napoleon "Hero or Villain" recorded discussion with partner due.
Week of Feb 4-18
MOnday- Finish overview of Enlightenment, make sure you are working on packets.
Wed: QUIZ on Enlightenment thinkers, such as Hobbes, Locke etc 15 MC and one reading passage.
FR: QUick overview on American Rev( inspired by the Enlightenment) and then the FRENCH Revolution.
Due next Tuesday Feb. 12- CH 18 in text, make sure you do your notes.
We are starting Unit 4 today
Week of Jan 28
Monday- Check over the 16.3 notes and other materials. Continue and finish overview of English Monarchs
Tuesday_ Enlightenment intro and assignment packet due
FR: QUIZ on CH 16.3 English Absolutism
Finish up Enlightenment Documents from the other day.
TH Jan 24-
In class today we start overview of English MOnarchy
Read CH 16.3 and take your notes. Reminder to identify and define all terms, then contextualize.
How is the English story different than the other kingdom's we have already studied?
We will look over your mid-terms and also continue with our overview.
Week of Dec 17 Absolutism
Monday & Tuesday- We will continue our overview Ch 16 sec 4 is due today. It touches upon Austria and Prussia. Thirty Years War.
Wed: Wrap up Section 4 and move onto Russian Czars( ch 16.5)
Week of Dec 3 Starting new Unit this week! Ch 16 Absolutism
MOnday- TEST on Unit 2 Exploration
Essay editing activity- you will get a chance to peer edit your exploration essays. If you choose to revise your essay you must resubmit by Friday or I will count your first copy.
Wed_ Overview of Spain and start out maps.
HW: Ch 16.1 due Friday
Friday- CH 16 sec 1 reading and notes due today.
We will finish our maps in class and finish overview of Spanish Monarchy.
Please read Ch 16.2 and I will check that on Tuesday
Looking ahead: QUIZ on Spain(16.1) and France (16.2) will be next Wed.
Week of Nov 26
Monday- We will finish our planners today and start typing essays. You can finish typing and editing tomorrow in class. It is due by the end.
Tuesday- TYpe and edit essays. Please submit through Google or through 365
Wed: Start review for Unit 2 test Guide is online under unit 2)
FR: Finish review for test
TEST is MONDAY Dec 3!!!
Week of Nov 12
Mon- Holiday
Tues/ Wed- Finish Aztec video, and overview of colonization
Fri- QUIZ on material from Ch 15 material, including class overview, text readings and video.
Week of Nov 5
MOnday- Overview of exploration/ settlement of the new world.
Tuesday- Election Day!!
Wed- Ch 15 sec 1 & 2 are due today, and we will complete an activity on different group perspectives from the New World. This will become Hw if your group needs more time.
Friday- Engineering and Empire The Aztecs( This is my favorite one. Better than than Gutenberg printing press. Sorry Dan.)
Week of 10/29
We are in Unit 2 Exploration and Settlement
MOnday- Reasons for exploration and key explorers. If you do not finish your gravestone(s) then it is hw.
At this point you should have read Ch 14 sec 1-2 and completed a world map.
Tuesday- Wed- Finish overview of exploration
QUIZ on Ch 14 sec 1 on Friday. ( 10 MC/ Matching and one map)
HW due next Wed: CH 15 sec 1 & 2
UNIT 1 TEST is Monday 10/22- MC questions and short answer, Unit 1 review guide, review game and practice questions linked to Unit 1 webpage.
Tuesday- Short answer section for Unit 1 test .Complete 1 short answer choice. There are 4 to choose from,
After please start ma and reading for Ch 14 sec 1 & 2 and map
Will check both BY Friday at latest.
Week of Oct 15- UNIT 1 TEST is Monday 10/22- MC questions and short answer, Unit 1 review guide, review game and practice questions linked to Unit 1 webpage.
Monday- Scientific Revolution overview
Tuesday- Wrao up Sci Rev figures
Wed; Wrap up/Start review
FR- Finish review
Monday 10 /22 Unit 1 test ( Covers Ren. Ref and Sci Rev. CH 13)
Week of Oct 1
Monday- Continue overview of Reformation: Be sure your maps are done and we have finished Luther's 95 Theses.
Tuesday- Reformation continues- Erasmus reading, and start a group jigsaw
Wed- In groups to finish jigsaw.
Friday- Ch 13 sec 5 reading notes are due( Same as always: terms, then contextualize, and then checkpoints.
Looking ahead: Next week we will have quiz on Reformation Friday Oct 12. Ch 13 sec 3 & 4 and any materials activities from class. We will be moving on to Scientific Rev. on Tuesday but that will not be on this quiz.
Week of Sept 24
We are moving from Renaissance to Reformation this week.
Monday- QUIZ on CH 13 sec 1 & 2
HW due WED: Read Ch 13 sec 3 & 4, take reading notes( Contextualize vocab and terms, and answer checkpoints)
Friday - in class we wil finish our Reformation map activity and Luther Indulgences reading.
Looking ahead to next week: read CH 13 sec 5( Scientific Revolution). Will be due at end of week.
Week of Sept 17- reminder to use this week to review for quiz!!
Monday- Video: Engineering the Ren.
We will answer questions as we go. Sheet is also linked to Unit 1
Tuesday- Overview of the spread of Ren.
We will be competing a reading on Erasmus. If not finished please finish for HW.
FR- Go over key Ren. figures and review for quiz.
Monday 9/24: QUIZ on ch 13 sec 1 & 2 and any materials from class.
Monday- Be sure airdrop your conversation about the Middle Ages.
Finish Renaissance maps, start overview of Ren.
HW due: Ch 13 sec 1 due Tuesday
Ch 13 sec 2 due TH
Week of Sept 3
Monday- Holiday
Tues/ Wed: Discuss the viewpoints reading that was done for HW
Complete Middle Ages Map in packet by next class. Make sure to create a key, label, and answer all questions.
Fr: Quick Middle Ages assessment. Be sure to understand key concepts and vocab from our overview. Be ready to convey key aspects of the Middle Ages.
We will also work on our next map: Renaissance
If you do not finish in class it becomes HW due for Mon. The map is also linked under Unit 1.
Looking ahead: Please read Ch 13 sec 1 & 2 by Tuesday, and take reading notes. You will get in structions on how to take the notes.
Wed- Welcome back and intros.
HW: Go to my main web page, click on the student information sheet and fill out/submit.
TH: Middle Ages overview, Get books today
FR 31; Middle Ages Overview, please fill out notes sheet as we go.
HW due TU (next class): In your packet, please read and mark the article Viewpoints: Two views of life in the Middle Ages.. Please read questions 1-3 at bottom an underline the answer in the readings. You don't have to do question 4. We will discuss it.
Week of June 4
We are over viewing the Interwar years. Please read your summary packet and refer to power point and video.
QUIZ on June 7 on this material.
Week of May 21 We are starting a new unit- WWI Interwar years and WWII
Monday- Ch 26 sec 1 notes are due today. You will receive a summary packet for the rest of Ch 26 today.
Tues/ Wed- Make sure to complete map and follow along with power point packet.
I will check the maps/ summaries this Friday.
Quiz, which is Wed May 30 for C period
June 1 for E period
Note that our Unit 6 test is May 17( it covers CH 22 and 24) I listed due dates for both weeks below.
Week of May 14
Unit 6 test is this TH May 17 for both classes.Covers Nationalism and Imperialism, primarily Ch 22 and 24, plus a little on Japan and Russia. ( use the slides)
Your only hw is to finish the materials and review nightly for this assessment. You have a power point overview, textbook reading and summary packet, and Unit 6 review guide. There is also a Quizlet for Unit 6 and a Jeopardy review if you would like to use it.
Week of April 30- through MAY 4:
Monday- Start Unit 6 overview in class. CH 21.4 is due today.
Tues/ Wed: CH 22 sec 1 & 2 are both due for class 2 for C period.
CH 22 due for E period on Class 3 TH
Friday 5/4- Ch 22 sec 3 & 4 are due( QUIZ on Nationalism on Monday)
Week of 5/7- May 14
Monday 5/7: QUIZ on Nationalism (CH 22 and all class items) Get Unit 6 study guide
Tu/Wed: Ch 24 Summaries are due.
Monday May 14: Unit 6 test: Imperialism and Nationalism ( Ch 22 & 24)
Week of April 23
Monday- Ch 19 sec 4 overview
Please read 19.4- due next class ( C period Wed, E period is Tuesday)
Tues/ Wed: Ch 19.4 is due
Th: Wrap up overview and look at some art of the period.
Fri- QUIZ on CH 19.4
Looking ahead: Due Monday 21.4 and then moving on to next unit.
Week of April 9-
Industrial Rev overview
Friday: QUIZ on CH 19 sec 1 & 2, causes of rev and why Britain.. Please review class overview activities, your text reading, and anything else from this week.
Week of April 2:
Monday- finish essay and submit via Office 365. If you need extra time please see teacher to arrange.
Tues/ Wed: Introduction to new Unit, and final draft essay as needed. Other students may move ahead and complete map.
TH: Map is due today
FR: Ch 19 sec 1 & 2 due today.
Week of MARCH 19TH through 30
Mon 3/21- Please finish up document analysis for Essay 3
TH- Brainstorming and filling out planner
FR- Finish brainstorming and fill out planners.
I created a new separate page for this essay. Please click on Work History II and then click on Absolute Monarch Essay. It is listed after Unit 4. I linked the planner, the power point from class and the documents there.
Monday 3/29- typing essay in class rough draft, final draft and edits due by March 29 at end of class Share on 365.
Note: in the event of weather on Tuesday, E period test will be TH.
Week of March 12:
Monday- use this day as a work/ review day for guide or play Jeopardy for Unit 4 test
Tuesday: Unit 4 test for Period E (Reminder this covers 16.3, ch 17 and 18
Wed: Unit 4 test for Period C
Week of March 5- Unit 4 study guide for over 2 weeks. Please continue to review. Your test is this TH. You may use the guide but you will need to review as well.
Monday- wrap up Napoleon recorded argument
Tuesday/ Wed- test review
Thursday- UNIT 4 TEST, includes English Monarchy ch 16.3, Enlightenment, Ch 17, and Ch 18 French Revolution.
week of 2/26:
Our Unit 4 test is next week. You have the review guide already. It is also linked under Unit 4 web page.
Monday - wrap up Rev.
Tuesday- We will have a quiz on Ch 18 sec 1-3( French Rev, but not Napoleon) E period- Tuesday 2/27 Wed- C period 2/28 Quiz
TH/ FR- Napoleon completed
Your test will be Tuesday March 6, E period and Wed. March 7 C period
Week of Feb 19
Wed- finish French revolution Movie
TH/ FR- Wrap up Revolution overview and start Napoleon. You will be researching whether Napoleon should be honored in terms of history today. Pairs will then record a 5 minute discussion/ argument and air drop to another group.
Looking ahead to next week:
CHANGES: your Unit 4 test has been delayed and will not occur next week. You have the review guide already. It is also linked under Unit 4 web page.
We will have a quiz on Ch 18 sec 1-3( French Rev, but not Napoleon) D period- Tuesday 2/27 C period 2/28- Wednesday
Your test will be Tuesday March 6, D period and Wed. March 7 C period
Week of Feb 12
Remindwer that Ch 18 all sections due Friday. This was assigned last week, so budget your time.
Monday- Overview of French revolution First phase
Tues/ Wed- Overview 2nd phase of Rev, and Declaration of Rights analysis p 584 in text.
FR: CH 18 reading notes due today.
-In class: View History Channel video: The French revolution BE sure to answer all questions. Video and question linked under Unit 4
Looking ahead: Next week: Napoleon!!
Also, start filling out your study guide for Unit 4 test. which will be soon.
Week of Feb 5( Updated due to snow day)
Monday/TU- Wrap up Enlightenment overview/ activity
Wed: Snow day!
QUIZ on Thinkers and spread of Enlightenment moved to TH for C. Please review class overview materials and CH 17 sec 1 & 2, then we will overview the American Rev.
TH: Quiz on Enlightenment for E period only, then we will overview the American Rev.
Friday: Overview: How the Enlightenment influenced the American Rev.
Looking ahead: CH 18- all sections due and checked by next Friday.
Week of Jan 29
Monday: Overview of 16.3 English Monarchs
Tuesday: Start overview of Enlightenment, and we will being a jigsaw on the thinkers, Be sure to do the hw due TH.
TH; CH 17 sec 1 & 2 notes are due
Looking ahead: QUIZ on CH 17 sec 1 & 2 on Monday Feb 4
See below for Mid term essay question choices. The planner is linked just below here:
Reminders for essay:
Be sure to set one goal that you aim to achieve on this essay. It has to be a specific improvement from essay 1
Remember if you are using specific evidence to cite your sources. I will have textbooks in the room if you need to cite the text. If you use any outside sources they woudl need to be cited, fo course.

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File Size: | 38 kb |
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Written Response: Choose one of the following two topics. Then write an organized, detailed, and fluent essay.
1. The history of humankind, especially that of Western civilization, has been filled with a variety of interesting and influential people. With the study of humanities and the revival of secular values, individuality became more important and prevalent in society. This trend had a crucial impact on the course of history during the later Middle Ages up through the present.
Choose 3-4 individuals that played a major role in the shaping of the historical eras you have learned about this year. Be sure to include details of their actions or ideas that affected history as well as the nature of each person’s impact.
2. In historical terms, a turning point can describe an event or movement that causes an enormous, long-lasting, or even permanent change in the course of history and humanity. Whether caused by social, economic, or political movements, or even remarkable individuals, a turning point makes clear that humankind is affected through change.
Choose 3-4 events or movements you learned about during this course that could be considered a turning point in history. Be sure to explain why each event should be considered a turning point and the effect it had on history.
1. The history of humankind, especially that of Western civilization, has been filled with a variety of interesting and influential people. With the study of humanities and the revival of secular values, individuality became more important and prevalent in society. This trend had a crucial impact on the course of history during the later Middle Ages up through the present.
Choose 3-4 individuals that played a major role in the shaping of the historical eras you have learned about this year. Be sure to include details of their actions or ideas that affected history as well as the nature of each person’s impact.
2. In historical terms, a turning point can describe an event or movement that causes an enormous, long-lasting, or even permanent change in the course of history and humanity. Whether caused by social, economic, or political movements, or even remarkable individuals, a turning point makes clear that humankind is affected through change.
Choose 3-4 events or movements you learned about during this course that could be considered a turning point in history. Be sure to explain why each event should be considered a turning point and the effect it had on history.
Assignments due this week:
Week of Jan 8
Monday- Overview Austria and Prussia
Tues/ Wed: Russia
No additional quizzes this week.
Friday- Unit 3 test- 50 MC questions no essay
For Mid term: Your mid term will consist of a planned essay. You will have two questions to choose from.
Week of Jan 2
Tuesday- Finish 80 years War (Dutch Dec of Ind sheet)
Wed/ TH- Overview of Austria and Prussia ( Ch 16 sec 4)
FRi- Quiz on Autria and Prussia
HW due Mon: Ch 16 sec 5 Russia
Looking ahead:
Unit test( Ch 16) end of next week, be sure to get review guide. Linked online.
Week of Dec 18- note our quiz on CH 16 sec 1 & 2 is this week!
Monday-Wrap up France monarchy today and move into overview of 30 and 80 years war( power point and sheet)
HW: review for quiz and Read CH 16 sec 4 this week (Austria and Prussia) and take notes.
Wed/ TH: QUIZ on Spain and France monarchs Wed for C period and TH for E period
Week of Dec 11
Monday- introduction to Unit 3 Absolutism
TUes/ Wed- Spanish monarchy and golden age 16.1 due today
TH: Ch 16.2 due today, French monarchy
FR; wrap up France and move into Ch 16. 4, read CH 16.4 for Monday
Week of Dec 4
Monday- wrap up typing essay in class. You may send it to [email protected] or share it on Office 365.
Tues/ Wed: review Ch 15 sec 4 & 5( Atlantic Slave trade and effects of exploration)
TH; Review for Unit 2 test, study guide is linked under unit 2, and there is a Quizlet for Unit 2 if you are a member.
FR: Unit 2 test Exploration. 50 Questions all matching and MC, including knowing locations for a map (We just did our essay so no essay on this)
Monday 11th: Starting Ch 16 Absolute monarchs.
Week of Nov 27- We will come back to CH 15 sec 4 & 5 after we write our first essay.
Overview packet & documents for essay.
Tues E period: Finish docs and how to do an intro review. Start planner.
Finish planner for next class if not done.
Wed C period: See above from Tues.
TH: You are typing. You have 60 minutes. use yoru planner.
FR: DUE TODAY BY END OF PERIOD. Editing and submit electronically on Office 365. (As a backup you may send it to [email protected])
Looking ahead: Finish up Ch 15 sec 4 & 5 overview next week and then unit 2 test. You have the review guide and it is linked under unit 2 webpage.
Week of Nov 20
Monday- We will be over-viewing Ch 15 sec 3 this week.
E period has a quiz on Ch 15 sec 1-2( 20 ques)
C period- 15.3 is due today
Tues/ Wed: wrap up Ch 15 and start reviewing documents for Exploration Essay. Be sure to get readings.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Week of Nov 13-
Monday- Ch 14 packet due today for C period
We will also be over viewing Spanish settlement
View Aztec movie and Ch 15.1/15.2 overview
TH: -CH 15 sec 1-2 notes due C period
-Ch 14 packet due today for E period
FR: -C period- Quiz on Spanish and Portuguese conquest and settlement (E period your quiz is Mon.)
-Ch 15 notes sec 1-2 due for E period only
Looking ahead: read Ch 15.3 and take notes on this due Monday Nov 19
Week of Nov 6- We do not have school on T or FR this week.
Monday- Wrap up First Contact activity, make sure you have over viewed CH 14.1.
Wed: Finish overview of Exploration and move into 14.2 topics.
TH: Ten question quiz on 14.1 on TH- C period
E period will finish overview today.
-Quiz is Mon Nov. 13 for E period.
**Looking ahead: Ch 14 sec 2 is due next week.
Week of Oct. 30- Reminder that grades close this week. Also, any quiz corrections should be done asap, since I will have to input the adjusted grade.
Monday- Unit 1 test( CH 13) is today. No essay on test, just 40 questions.
- IF for some reason this storm causes a delay or day off( not likely but..) the test will be the next class. Show me your study guides( linked under Unit 1)
Tuesday/ Wednesday- Unit 2, Exploration
We will do a map and activity to intro the unit.
Week of Oct. 16
Monday- Renaissance leaders jigsaw. read assigned info and then share with others.
Tues/ Wed: wrap up spread of reformation and Catholic OCUnter ref.
TH: QUIZ on CH 13.3 and 13.4
FR- ( CH 13.5) Scientific Rev Intro.
Looking ahead:
-Tues/Wed next week: Checking 13.5 notes
-Unit test on Ch 13 on Oct 26!!- Study guide linked and handed out.
Mon 9- Holiday
Tues 10/Wed 11- Overview causes of reformation. Complete
map and 95 Theses handouts/ activities.
TH: Complete overview on 13.3; start activity on leaders of Reformation( if time).
FR; Ch 13.4 reading and notes due.
Activity on Ref. leaders.
Looking ahead: Quiz on 13.3 and 13.4 next week!
Week of Oct 2:
Monday: classes in Media Center to write rough draft of cover letter / resume. Also, please create a one slide power point showing examples of his works.
Tuesday/Wed: In class, you will have two minutes to explain to the Duke's committee why you are best for the job. You will show your power point examples. FINAL COPY due today, along with all research and notes.
TH- Wrap up presentations and hand in final copies.
FR: Ch 13.3 notes due, be sure to do vocab and then contextualize them, and checkpoints.
Looking ahead: Ch 13.4 is due next FRI the 12th!!
Week of Sept 25:
Monday- Start to research chosen Ren. Master using provided documents. Fill out notes sheets.
Tuesday through Thurs- Research in Media Center, write practice resume and cover letter. Friday wrap up the process.
Week of 9/11-15
Monday- 13. 1 notes due today!!
Wrap up Renaissance overview (see your power point), complete map,
Tues/ Wed/ TH- overview of Renaissance, Courtier reading and the reading Machiavelli's The Prince. Finish for HW if not done.
Friday- View Engineering the Renaissance
-HW due Monday: read CH 13 sec 2 and take reading notes. Remember to do vocab. contextualize and then choose one other option to do( checkpoints, objectives, comprehension)
- QUIZ on section 1 & 2 next week! Class 2
Monday Labor Day
Tues/ Wed: Finish overview of Middle Ages then into textbook
TH: Start CH 13.1 intro, complete map of 1 Middle Ages.
FR: HW- fill out model of how to take notes from textbook. Complete Renaissance map 2 and finish for HW due Monday.
Week of Jan 8
Monday- Overview Austria and Prussia
Tues/ Wed: Russia
No additional quizzes this week.
Friday- Unit 3 test- 50 MC questions no essay
For Mid term: Your mid term will consist of a planned essay. You will have two questions to choose from.
Week of Jan 2
Tuesday- Finish 80 years War (Dutch Dec of Ind sheet)
Wed/ TH- Overview of Austria and Prussia ( Ch 16 sec 4)
FRi- Quiz on Autria and Prussia
HW due Mon: Ch 16 sec 5 Russia
Looking ahead:
Unit test( Ch 16) end of next week, be sure to get review guide. Linked online.
Week of Dec 18- note our quiz on CH 16 sec 1 & 2 is this week!
Monday-Wrap up France monarchy today and move into overview of 30 and 80 years war( power point and sheet)
HW: review for quiz and Read CH 16 sec 4 this week (Austria and Prussia) and take notes.
Wed/ TH: QUIZ on Spain and France monarchs Wed for C period and TH for E period
Week of Dec 11
Monday- introduction to Unit 3 Absolutism
TUes/ Wed- Spanish monarchy and golden age 16.1 due today
TH: Ch 16.2 due today, French monarchy
FR; wrap up France and move into Ch 16. 4, read CH 16.4 for Monday
Week of Dec 4
Monday- wrap up typing essay in class. You may send it to [email protected] or share it on Office 365.
Tues/ Wed: review Ch 15 sec 4 & 5( Atlantic Slave trade and effects of exploration)
TH; Review for Unit 2 test, study guide is linked under unit 2, and there is a Quizlet for Unit 2 if you are a member.
FR: Unit 2 test Exploration. 50 Questions all matching and MC, including knowing locations for a map (We just did our essay so no essay on this)
Monday 11th: Starting Ch 16 Absolute monarchs.
Week of Nov 27- We will come back to CH 15 sec 4 & 5 after we write our first essay.
Overview packet & documents for essay.
Tues E period: Finish docs and how to do an intro review. Start planner.
Finish planner for next class if not done.
Wed C period: See above from Tues.
TH: You are typing. You have 60 minutes. use yoru planner.
FR: DUE TODAY BY END OF PERIOD. Editing and submit electronically on Office 365. (As a backup you may send it to [email protected])
Looking ahead: Finish up Ch 15 sec 4 & 5 overview next week and then unit 2 test. You have the review guide and it is linked under unit 2 webpage.
Week of Nov 20
Monday- We will be over-viewing Ch 15 sec 3 this week.
E period has a quiz on Ch 15 sec 1-2( 20 ques)
C period- 15.3 is due today
Tues/ Wed: wrap up Ch 15 and start reviewing documents for Exploration Essay. Be sure to get readings.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Week of Nov 13-
Monday- Ch 14 packet due today for C period
We will also be over viewing Spanish settlement
View Aztec movie and Ch 15.1/15.2 overview
TH: -CH 15 sec 1-2 notes due C period
-Ch 14 packet due today for E period
FR: -C period- Quiz on Spanish and Portuguese conquest and settlement (E period your quiz is Mon.)
-Ch 15 notes sec 1-2 due for E period only
Looking ahead: read Ch 15.3 and take notes on this due Monday Nov 19
Week of Nov 6- We do not have school on T or FR this week.
Monday- Wrap up First Contact activity, make sure you have over viewed CH 14.1.
Wed: Finish overview of Exploration and move into 14.2 topics.
TH: Ten question quiz on 14.1 on TH- C period
E period will finish overview today.
-Quiz is Mon Nov. 13 for E period.
**Looking ahead: Ch 14 sec 2 is due next week.
Week of Oct. 30- Reminder that grades close this week. Also, any quiz corrections should be done asap, since I will have to input the adjusted grade.
Monday- Unit 1 test( CH 13) is today. No essay on test, just 40 questions.
- IF for some reason this storm causes a delay or day off( not likely but..) the test will be the next class. Show me your study guides( linked under Unit 1)
Tuesday/ Wednesday- Unit 2, Exploration
We will do a map and activity to intro the unit.
Week of Oct. 16
Monday- Renaissance leaders jigsaw. read assigned info and then share with others.
Tues/ Wed: wrap up spread of reformation and Catholic OCUnter ref.
TH: QUIZ on CH 13.3 and 13.4
FR- ( CH 13.5) Scientific Rev Intro.
Looking ahead:
-Tues/Wed next week: Checking 13.5 notes
-Unit test on Ch 13 on Oct 26!!- Study guide linked and handed out.
Mon 9- Holiday
Tues 10/Wed 11- Overview causes of reformation. Complete
map and 95 Theses handouts/ activities.
TH: Complete overview on 13.3; start activity on leaders of Reformation( if time).
FR; Ch 13.4 reading and notes due.
Activity on Ref. leaders.
Looking ahead: Quiz on 13.3 and 13.4 next week!
Week of Oct 2:
Monday: classes in Media Center to write rough draft of cover letter / resume. Also, please create a one slide power point showing examples of his works.
Tuesday/Wed: In class, you will have two minutes to explain to the Duke's committee why you are best for the job. You will show your power point examples. FINAL COPY due today, along with all research and notes.
TH- Wrap up presentations and hand in final copies.
FR: Ch 13.3 notes due, be sure to do vocab and then contextualize them, and checkpoints.
Looking ahead: Ch 13.4 is due next FRI the 12th!!
Week of Sept 25:
Monday- Start to research chosen Ren. Master using provided documents. Fill out notes sheets.
Tuesday through Thurs- Research in Media Center, write practice resume and cover letter. Friday wrap up the process.
Week of 9/11-15
Monday- 13. 1 notes due today!!
Wrap up Renaissance overview (see your power point), complete map,
Tues/ Wed/ TH- overview of Renaissance, Courtier reading and the reading Machiavelli's The Prince. Finish for HW if not done.
Friday- View Engineering the Renaissance
-HW due Monday: read CH 13 sec 2 and take reading notes. Remember to do vocab. contextualize and then choose one other option to do( checkpoints, objectives, comprehension)
- QUIZ on section 1 & 2 next week! Class 2
Monday Labor Day
Tues/ Wed: Finish overview of Middle Ages then into textbook
TH: Start CH 13.1 intro, complete map of 1 Middle Ages.
FR: HW- fill out model of how to take notes from textbook. Complete Renaissance map 2 and finish for HW due Monday.
In this course we will be covering a wide span of history with many varying themes and an assortment of different contents. In one semester we will be trying to cover information from the middle ages and the reigns of absolute rulers in Europe, to current events and a time period of greater global interdependence.
This course will cover the Renaissance, Reformation and Catholic Reformation, the rise of the European nation states, European overseas exploration and settlement, the Enlightenment, revolutions, growth of industrial economies, imperialism, the world wars, independence movements, and the cold war. Overall we will be studying how the world has developed into the modern era that we live in.
This course will cover the Renaissance, Reformation and Catholic Reformation, the rise of the European nation states, European overseas exploration and settlement, the Enlightenment, revolutions, growth of industrial economies, imperialism, the world wars, independence movements, and the cold war. Overall we will be studying how the world has developed into the modern era that we live in.