Click the Quizlet button review for each unit.
Weekly Assignments below. MOst recent week is first. Scroll down to view previous weeks.
midterm_review_jeopardy.ppt | |
File Size: | 297 kb |
File Type: | ppt |
study_guide_midterm_2018.docx | |
File Size: | 22 kb |
File Type: | docx |
All other linked documents will be lined under specific units. Weekly assignments will be updated here, with most recent weeks first.
midterm_highlights.docx | |
File Size: | 28 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Semester 2
Unit 4 Imperialism, WWI and 1920's
Week of Feb 25
C & D period:
MOnday- QUIZ-- quiz on WWI- use your power point, yotu CH 19 outline and review packet for review topics.
TUesday/ WEd- In small groups planning yoru debate points and making your slide(s) on Google
TH: Debate!
Fr: 1920's
E period: PLease see Google Calendar for all your due dates, but:
1. You must take the WWI quiz this week by FRi on Google
2. meet in your groups to plan your recorded Senate round table debate.See Google for more specific documents and directions.
3. Friday- Submit your video to Google where it is asisgned, and then every student will watch each and decide who had the strongest argument.
TH- work on map packet
FR- Crash COurse Imperialism- This will be on Google and on Weebly Under Unit 4
Read CH 18 and outline due MOnday
Week of Dec 17
Mnday- whole class together to finish overview of Immigration.
All assignments are now pushed out on your Google Classroom. Please check your app daily.
-Waves of Imm/Immigrant Explorer should be done as of 12/14
-Ch 14 sec 1,2,3 reading/ outline is due 12/17
-Please answer the three questions pushed out on Google. Two are for participation only and one is for 5 points. Do all .
Week of Dec 3
All assignments and materials are in your Google CLassroom accounts and callendars.
Some larger due dates:
12/3- all tasks from last week are due today.( etters, Story of US, videos, and questions)
12/6- D & E All student project galleries should be done by today. (C period you have until Friday due to the issue.)
12/7- C period galleries due today.
12/10- Test on Civil War for E & D periods Please review materials from Google classroom, including a review guide, there is a Quizlet, a powerpoint on Weebly.
Test will not include causes of the Civil war, just from the start of it.
Week of Nov 12 Reminder that all documents and due dates are on your Google Classroom.
Mon- Holiday
We are completing research for out Civil War Project. You will have to decide what parts to do at school and what work to do at home.
(Final Due Date for project submission is the day before Thanksgiving. Wed Nov 21.)
Tuesday- First notecard should be submitted through Noodle Tools
Wed- Fri- finish research and put together your product. I will check your group notes on Noodle Tools Friday after class.
Final submission day is Nov 21, with a late day of Nov. 26.
Week of Nov 5
Monday- Overview of Civil War Causes..Please make sure you have shared your webquest answers with me today.
Tuesday- Election Day!!
QUIZ On Civil War Causes
Wed: C period
TH: D & E periods
-Please review your webquest, map and reading/ class overview notes.
-Be especially sure to understand the importance( not definition) terms: Popular Sovereignty, Comp of 1850, KS- Neb Act, John Brown, Stephen Douglas, Harpers Ferry, Crittendon Compromise, Ft. Sumter.
FR: Civil War project!!
Week of Oct. 29 We are in UNIT 2!!! Civil War
Monday 29- student rights sharing
Tues/ Wed/ TH: Overview of Unit 2 causes of Civil War
You will have some time during class to work on webquest but the other two assignments are hw
Due Friday Nov 2: Ch 10 summary packet and map I will check. Be sure to share webquest answers with me by day of quiz.
Monday Nov 5-QUIZ on causes of war- Please review your webquest, map and reading/ class overview notes.
Be especially sure to understand the importance( not definition) terms: Popular Sovereignty, Comp of 1850, KS- Neb Act, John Brown, Stephen Douglas, Harpers Ferry, Crittendon Compromise, Ft. Sumter.
TEST UNIT 1 FRIDAY 10/26!!!!
Week of Oct. 22
Monday- wrap up overview of Mex- American War and Polk
TUes/ Wed. TH;
Wrap up and review for Unit 1 test. Includes CH 4 american Rev, Ch 5 COnstitution and Ch 6-7 sections on Jefferson, War 1812, Age of Jackson, Expansion West into Mex American War.
Week of Oct. 15
Last part of Unit 1 Expansion. Looking ahead test next week. Study guide already linked online.
MOnday- Overview of Jefferson and LA purchase
Tues/ Wed/TH- In class
-War of 1812 class overview ( in class)
- Kahn Academy Age of Jackson question and video( finish for hw by Friday)
- America Story of US Video and questions( Finish for HW by Friday)
TH: Due by Thursday Oct. 18: Text readings for last part of unit.
Ch 6 sec 3 & 4 Jefferson/War of 1812, Ch 7 sec 4 & 5( Jackson),
TEST UNIT 1 FRIDAY 10/26!!!!
Tuesday- Finish student rights cases( except C period)
Wed- PSAT and complete a student survey
TH-C period- finish student rights cases today, Expansion map study finish for hw.
D & E- Start expansion map and last part of Unit 1
Friday- map is due today
Due by Thursday Oct. 18: Text readings for last part of unit.
Ch 6 sec 3 & 4 Jefferson/War of 1812, Ch 7 sec 4 & 5( Jackson),
Week of Oct 1
Monday- wrap up Constitution overview - BIll of RIghts
Tuesday/Wed: Research student Rights cases and make a two slide power point about the case. Share on 365 with each other and with me [email protected]
TH: Finish up Constitution and if time, review for quiz
FRI: QUIZ on Constitution and CH 5 sec 3 will be checked today.
Next week; We will share our cases and decide what the trend has been in regards to the limiting of
Week of Sept 24
C period only- Quiz today on CH 4 sec 1-3
D & E- begin Constitution( Part 2 of unit)
HW: Ch 5 sec 1-2 outline notes due by TH!! All three classes.
CH 5.3 is due next week. I will check it the day of the quiz.
Quiz Friday Oct. 5th
Week of Sept 17
Monday- guest speaker- Nuclear
TU/ TH- Wrap up Revolution overview
FR- QUIZ on Ch 4 sec 1-3 and any class material D & E period
( C period your quiz is Mon. due to holiday)
HW: Ch 5 sec 1 & 2 reading notes
Week of Sept 10 Starting Unit 1 Revolution!
-SAT practice 10 questions
- How to do outline notes using CH 4.1
- Citizenship test- Kahoot
HW: Ch 4 sec 1,2,3 due by TH
Week of Sept 3rd
Mon 3- Holiday
Tuesday/ Wednesday- Please finish your sources, create a position and prepare your planner.
Assign yourself some HW, so you can start typing by class 3 this week.
Friday- last day to type in class. Please submit electronically
Looking ahead: we will be reading Ch 4 sec 1-3 next week, if you would like to get ahead and outline the sections. You will get a sheet to help you outline.
Week of Aug 29
Wed- Welcome back and intros.
HW: Go to my main web page, click on the student information sheet and fill out/submit.
Th: Overview of Essay and SAT. I will also check to ensure you did your info sheet.
FR: Documents for Essay 1- read in class finish for HW due by next class.
For next week:
We will be writing our first essay. Please see my essay page for all docs.
Use Proper essay format.
Choose one below. Before you leave on Friday, you may hand me an index card with info to aid you in the essay.
Include key terms, ideas, events or people in your response.
- Evaluate the Cold War Era: (Did America benefit from the Cold War? What was not successful? In what ways are we still dealing with decisions made during this era?)
- From WWI- present, America has dealt with many challenges, both foreign and domestic. Describe two major challenges and discuss the causes and effects.
- How has US foreign policy changed over time, from WWI and on?
- From WWI through present times, there were many events/individuals that shaped/ impacted American Society. Choose 4 different examples of this, describe the events/actions, and short term and long term effects.
We are in the home stretch! Last week of classes.
We are finishing Unit 7 and then work on study guide.
Final exam will consist of approx 70 MC and a short essay.
Week of June 4
Interwar Years overview
Make sure you have read teh Interwar packet
TH- QUIZ on Interwar Years, Rise of totalitarians, the 20's and 30's
You will get a study guide for final exam on TH. This will be your ONLY major HW until your final exam.
Week of May 21:
Reminder that you have a quiz this week Domestic Policy Ch 26 -sec 2 & 3 and Ch 27- 1,2,3.
We will also finish our one assigned podcast ( 10 min) on Friday. BE sure to listen to 3 others before then.
Tuesday May 22: Ch 27 sec 1-3 due, we will start choosing topics for Social Reform mini project.( F period due Wed)
QUIZ on Wed May 23 for B period, TH May 24 for D & F period
Friday May 25: Noodle Notes check for project and set hw over weekend. Please refer to checklist and project sheets for specifics.
Week of May 14
Monday- Story of Us Superpower
Moving onto Domestic POicy 1950-1975
Friday: Ch 26 sec 2 & 3 due
Tuesday May 22: Ch 27 sec 1-3 due
QUIZ on Wed May 23 for B period, TH May 24 for D & F period
We will also be completing a web quest on Social and Political movements of the 60-70's. Linked on unit page.
Week of May 7
Reminder that your podcasts were due already. a zero will be input into your score until you submit for late points.
Class 2- we will listen to podcasts and complete activity. The rest are done for HW due BY Friday at the latest.
QUIZ on the Cold War Foreign Policy and end of WWII on Friday!! Please review any overview notes, end of CH 24, and CH 25 1,2,3
Week of April 30-
Monday- Last day to record and finish podcasts. If you are not done it must be completed outside of class. and submitted to Ms. Kohs. (The 10 questions come to me.) Please refer to your direction sheet and you have a checklist. Once they are all on my web page we will take a class to listen.
Tues/ Wed: We are starting overview of End of WWII into Cold War.
Please complete the Hot to Cold war sheet and t he Cold d War Map
CH 25 sec 1,2,3 due by Friday.
Looking ahead:
Next week we will have a quiz on teh end of WWII( use your Ch 24 notes) and on the COld war material
Assignments below for the week:
Week of April 23
Monday- wrap up WWII overview
Keep reading CH 24 and outlining
Tues. through rest of week- Starting our podcast activity. Please see sheet for directions Podcast examples are under Unit 5 web page. You will work with a partner.
Class 1 Tues or Wed: read over directions packet
-Go to link below and choose a podcast from WWII or the Cold war. Listen, and record 10 sharing points to share with your partner. Then, share your podcasts with each other. Note the aspects about teh podcast you liked and teh ones you didn't prefer. Use this as a model and inspiration.
- Decide on a topic. You do not have to choose the topic of the podcast or what is suggested on the handout, but it must be approved by teacher.
- Start research on topic and use Noodle tools to share notes.
Class 2- Wed or TH Research and Notes. teacher will check noodle tools completion at end of class( class activity grade)
Class 3- FR Wrap up research and write out a summary and if ready, record.
Class 4- MON 4/30This is a wrap up day, and teh LAST day. You can edit your recording, and submit by end of class. if your partner is absent then you will need to find another time to record. Copy of summary or script can be handed in or sent via 365. Questionnaires are also due.
Week of April 9
Monday- overview of pre WWII and causes/ US enters
Tues: CH 23 sec 2 & 3 outlines due today( F period is Wed)
HW: Begin reading Ch 24 all sections/ outline. I wont check that until the day after break.
Friday: Quiz on Causes and any overview/ materials from the week.
Next week is break
Week of April 2
Monday- All classes finish planner and type rough draft of essay. See essay web page for videos documents and materials as needed. Keep typing for hw as needed.
Tues- B & D finish typing, submit planner to teacher and share essay on Office 365 tritter@
Wed- F period finish essay. Start review of the New Deal into the Causes of WWII
Friday- Wrap up New Deal and move into WWII
Map due on Monday, Ch 22 sec 2& 3 outlined due Tues. ( Wed for F period)
Week of March 19-
B period needs to take quiz from last week( On web quest and summary packet 1920;s)
Monday/ Tuesday- Life during the Depression packet and airdrop your discussion to me.
SAT test on Wed. - good luck!!
TH- record discussion about a person you researched who lived during the Depression. What questions do you have? What was life like?
FR 3/23- Packet is due today, we will be over-viewing presidential policies that were implemented to get us out of Depression. Did they work?
HW DUE 3/29: Reading packet for next essay!! Complete readings and videos by class 2 next week. Look under Argumentative Essays section( NOT A UNIT) and scroll down to Essay 2. Your due dates for this essay are listed there.
Week of March 12-
Say it with me: no more snow no more snow
Monday/ Tues:- Overview of end WWI 1920's
Please share your web quest with me on 365 (Reminder it is linked under unit 4 page, titled "Clash of Cultures")
FR: B, D & F QUIZ on 1920's web quest and overview. Make sure you have shared your web quest with me 365.
Week of March 5- wrapping up end of WWI and into the 1920's
Monday 3/5- wrapping up debate rebuttal.
HW due FRIDAY 3/9 all classes.: Please complete the 1920's web quest that is linked under Unit 4. You may type your answers and share it with me on 365. [email protected]. If you work with a partner on 365 you must indicate for EACH question if you were responsible for it. You may also print out a copy and submit to me by class. IF I cannot tell which questions you did I wont be able to give you credit for the assignment.
- There will be a quiz on WWI End and the 1920's overview next MONDAY March 12
Note: Your group scores will be entered this week and then individual scores will be entered after that.
Wed- Please start 1920's web quest, it is linked to my unit 4 web page, scroll down and you will see the link under the video.
Week of Feb 19
Wed- media research day , finish your debate points and be sure to share on 365
TH/ FR- Wrap up and record a planning session of what each of you will say. You will air drop a 5 min planning session to Ritter. See directions under Unit 4.
Friday- F period we will start the first part of our debate.
The special committee of senators will overview how other countries feel about the terms of the Treaty.
Monday Feb 26- DEBATE!!
Week of Feb 12
Monday- intro to WWI debate, set groups, complete research.
Tues/ Wed TH- planning, creating power point and Setting speaking roles.
Looking ahead: We will do our debate activity next week. Be ready with your part. Please share final group power point with me on 365.
Week of Feb 5
Monday- Ch 19 sec 1 & 2 should be read and outlined( Quiz is Wed/ TH)
Tues: Work on Effects of WWI packet and also review for causes quiz next class.
Wed: WWI quiz today!! (Causes, US entry) Be sure to review info from class overview slides and Ch 19 (through US reasons to enter and mobilize) Reminder that you also viewed some videos that discussed the causes.
Then we will start our research for class debate, finish for HW
TH: QUIZ on WWI causes Per D & F today. We will start our research on class debate, finish for HW
Week of Jan 29:
Monday- SAT overview and practice
Tue/ Wed: SAT Reading test # 8
TH: Begin overview of WWI( Unit 4) ,HW due Monday: Ch 19 sec 1 & 2 notes
FR: WWI overview- be sure to know the causes
Looking ahead:
Due Monday Ch 19 1& 2
Quiz on Tues for B & D and Wed for F
reminder that mid-term exams start on Jan. 18th. review materials linked below:
midterm_highlights.docx | |
File Size: | 28 kb |
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research_schedule_final.docx | |
File Size: | 15 kb |
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study_guide_midterm_2017.docx | |
File Size: | 19 kb |
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midterm_review_2017.ppt | |
File Size: | 349 kb |
File Type: | ppt |
Course Documents INTRO
introduction__16-17.pptx | |
File Size: | 1627 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
2._explanation_of_homework.doc | |
File Size: | 58 kb |
File Type: | doc |
3._us_syllabus_ritter_16-17.docx | |
File Size: | 68 kb |
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new_sample_citizenship_test_practice_questions_2015.doc | |
File Size: | 363 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Final Exam 2017 review guide below: